
Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

CHALLENGE: 10 minutes of Weighted Knee Jump practice. Start unweighted, then increase weight as you're able. (Progression: body weight, med ball, empty bar on back, bar with weights) Test yourselves.

Impressive Knee Jump

What is CrossFit? (Slo-mo knee jump at the 1:45 mark)

WOD: "Murph Loves Karen"

Run 1 mile 100 Wall Balls Run 1 mile

REC: 50 total GHD sit ups, break up into smaller sets

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

How many of you are S.M.A.R.T in your goal setting? We've talked quite a bit since the 307 has been open about setting goals for yourselves. Hopefully you have spent some time thinking about this and have some goals in mind of things you want to accomplish.

Within the next couple weeks we will be using some of the white boards as "Goal Boards" where you will be able to write down your goals for the coming days, weeks, months. It's been shown that when a goal is written down, with a specific timeframe attached to, it is infinitely more likely to be accomplished. So, if you haven't thought about it, start thinking about it.

Your goal can be anything: A first unassisted pull up, a first muscle up, a faster mile time, a higher squat max, anything. Remember to make them Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-bound.

We're excited to see your goals and help you accomplish them! (Who needs to wait for New Year's?!)

SKILL: Work on Double Unders and Rope Climbs

Rope Climbs

Spealler covers Double unders

WOD: Beautiful Day to be Outside

3 Rounds for Time: Start Outside the Main Door on the Sidewalk

50 Double Unders (150 singles for scaling) followed by a Sandbag Run to the corner of Blackmore and Landmark and back.

Have fun with this one. It's supposed to be a beautiful day.