Monday 12/2/2013

CrossFit307 is officially 2 years old! We've been having regular classes now for 2 full years.  Something that we are super proud of is the fact that we HAVEN'T CANCELLED A SINGLE CLASS IN 2 YEARS!  This all comes down to how amazing our coaches are.  If there was ever an emergency for one coach, another stepped up and took charge.  If there was ever a natural disaster (ie roads closed...Dennis) our coaches still made it to the box.  There is no way for us to express how grateful we are for every one of you.  Give your coach a high five today and tell them how awesome they are.  Here's to another year of fun in the 307! (Check out the old school vids at the bottom)

Weekly Warm Up
3x10 Wall Balls
3x25 Double Unders
3x10 Push Ups
2x3 Turkish Get Ups each side - moderate weight

Front Rack Lunge - 3x6 each leg

"Air Force"
4 Burpees at the beginning of every minute (start with burpees)
20 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats

This WOD was first programmed in the 2010 CF Games Midwest Sectional.  In 2010 there was not a CrossFit "Open" yet.  Athletes first had to compete at a secional event before advancing to Regionals.  Since then, the Open that we know is the first event of the CrossFit Games and has doubled in size every year. 

5 rounds
25 DU
15 sec L-sit hold on paralettes