Monday 4/13/2015

Should we put CrossFit in a Westside LifeTime?

Should we put CrossFit in a Westside LifeTime?

25 Wall Balls
3x10 GHD Back Ext
3x6-10 HSPU
3x6-10 Toes to Bar

3x Max reps of Tempo Ring Rows
10 seconds down, full speed up
Then 1x max set of strict pull ups or 20 banded pullups

EMOM: 4 Rounds (5 min each)
Min 1: 10 Front Squats (135/95)
Min 2: 15 Dead Lifts (135/95)
Min 3 20 Pushups
Min 4: Max Thrusters (135/95)
Min 5: Rest

3 rounds of 1 min plank holds