L holds

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We saw some truly heroic 500 meter row times yesterday. Way to leave it all in the box, athletes!

Today gives you another shot at the Leader Board with the Girl WOD, "Kelly." If you want to make another run at the fame and fortune of the Leader Board, be sure to come to class, with a coach, to make it official! 

Strength: 4 x 30 seconds of "L" Sit or hang

WOD: "Kelly"

5 Rounds for Time

400m Run

30 Box Jumps (24/20)

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

REC: 4 Laps of the Box of Farmer's Carry (45# plates)

And, if your shoulders are spent from the last two days of heavy shoulder work, here's a great Mobility WOD video, by Kelly Starrett, about recovering shoulders from the overhead position. Embrace the burn!

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Skill/Strength:  Accumulate five minutes of any "L" hold.

WOD:  18 Minute AMRAP

Bench Press max reps (135/85) 

50 Double Unders (3x singles)

Run 400 M

Score is total bench press reps

REC:  Strict/Weighted Pull Ups - No Kip, 3 rounds of max reps at full range of motion

Performance Notes:  


  • You can end each round of bench press based on your own strategy but once you fail or a spotter helps you, you are done with that round.  
  • Scale your weight based on your own strategy, this is a lighter weight which means you should be going for higher reps each round.
  • Remember the bench press form that we practiced earlier this week.  Pull the feet in tight under you, flex your butt, pull the shoulders under you, keep the elbows in and focus on bar speed.


Wednesday, October 23rd, 2012

Shout Out Time! We'd like to thank Tom Horn for making the weight tree and clip holder for the box. He welded it on his own and put a little personal touch to it and it works great. Thanks Tom!

We're going to mix things up for our regularly schedule program to give your legs and hips a tiny rest.

Skill Work: Snatch Balance 6x3

This will help loosen up the sore hips you may currently have, as well as help you improve core and shoulder stability. Don't go as heavy, this is skill work, focus on catching the snatch in a full squat.

WOD: 5 Rounds for time

Row 250 Meters

20 Push Ups (Hands off Deck)

REC: Ab Circuit

3 rounds, 1 minute each movement

"L" something (either a hold or a hang or on paralletes, you pick)

Hollow Hold

Flutter Kicks (Put hands under your butt and kick up to a 90 degree angle)