Leg Throws

Tuesday, Oct 1, 2013

**It's not too late to sign up to be a judge or volunteer at the 307 Throwdown!  Please post to comments or give us your email address if your interested.  Judges meetings are being held Saturday, Oct 5th and Oct 12th at 9 am.  You DO NOT need to attend both, just at least one.  If you still want to judge but can't make those dates, let me know and I'll work with you.  Lastly, you won't have to be judging or volunteering the entire two days, I'll be creating a schedule at the meeting this saturday. 

Strength:  Shoulder Press 3x5

WOD:  12 Minute AMRAP

10 DB Snatches right

10 DB Snatches left

10 Burpees

10 Wall Balls

REC:  2x2min AMRAPs per person.  Partner Leg Throws.  (One partner lays on their back holding the ankles of the other partner, raise straight legs up to standing partner and standing partner pushes straight legs down in random directions)