
Wednesday, Sept 5, 2012

SQUAT SNATCH TEST Hopefully each of you now have a WOD journal so you can log your workouts and progress. The first half (or more) of class will be spent working on the squat snatch. Each of you will log your best squat snatch attempt in your journals and we will re-test in about 30 days. If you cannot do a full squat snatch or do not feel like you are confident in the move, that's just fine. You'll log what you were able to do so you have a benchmark for where you are at and you'll compare it 30 days from now. The point is to do your best and see how your best improves. I expect to see PR's tomorrow and a month from now. It's time to get after it! Check out the video of the 2004 Strongest Man in the World squat snatching 207 kg (457 pounds) and this years 19-year old female olympic Gold medalist in her weight category. Awesome stuff!

Big Boy Lifting

Mighty Mite

PRE-WOD: Coaches will run through the Burgener warm-up and other dynamic stretching Here is a good mobility video for the snatch.

Snatch MWod

WOD: Work up to 1 rep max squat snatch

REC: For time: 1k Row, 50 Double Unders, 1k row. Spend the rest of class rolling out sore legs.