Turkish Get Ups

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

10 minutes to work on Max height box jump. Go for a PR. Attempt with no steps and attempt with one step. For some of you this will be a real mental challenge. Steel your mind, commit to the jump and do it! I'm excited to see how people do on this one.

If you have half an hour to kill

WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP 10 Turkish Get Ups w/kb (24kg/16kg) (This is ten total each round, not ten each arm) 10 Burpees

Fun Turkish Get Up tutorial

Tommy Hackenbruck Barbell TGU (The TGU starts at about :50 seconds into the video, but the one arm snatch at #155 is also awesome.)

REC: 100 Homeschoolers (20/14)(Wall Ball Sit Ups against the wall). Set a goal for throwing the ball above the line in the drywall that is about 4 feet off the ground, it will ensure that you are throwing the ball upward each time instead of just throwing it forward off the wall.