Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's great to see so many people use the Goals board. It helps us as coaches know what's important to each of you and determine how best to help you accomplish those goals. We know you'll work hard to reach your goals and we'll be there to celebrate with you when you do.

Speaking of celebrations! Garrett and Allison Harker's baby boy was born weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs 14 oz! His name is Reagan Michael Harker and we'll be looking forward to seeing him as the 2032 CrossFit Games Champion! Congratulations to the happy family and all indications are that Mommy and Baby are doing well. Welcome to the CF307 family.

WOD: Attack Of Paturday's Revenge!

Meet in the box at 7:00 A.M.
Pat will be there to organize everyone and educate all of you on the details of the WOD. You'll grab some equipment and then everyone will head over to the KW Soccer Fields together.

1) Shuttle Run/Med-Ball Squat Throws:

Run 10 meters and back to the goal post, then do 5 med-ball throws over the soccer goal post.

Run 20 meters and back to the goal post, then do 5 med-ball throws over the soccer goal post.

...increase shuttle runs by 10 meters up to 100m.

2) 3 rounds of Pistols and One Arm Dumbbell Snatches...

3) Sandbag run around the soccer field

4) Burpee wall ball throw from the goal post to 100 meters and back

5) Finish with 3 rounds of 15 Ring Dips and 15 Kettlebell Swings

Good Luck and enjoy Wodding in the great outdoors!