Monday 4/6/2015

Run 400m
2x6 Glute Ham Raise
2x25 Double Unders
2x10 Wall Balls 11'

6x2 Jumping Back Squats

6 min EMOM
6 Strict HSPU

6 min EMOM
6 Deadlifts (225/155)

6 min EMOM
6 Box Jumps (30/24)

6 min AMRAP
9 Deadlifts (135/95)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)

3x Max set of strict pullups
Rest 1 min between sets

If you haven't signed your team up for the Jason's Friends Showdown yet, do it!  We're super excited to host the event and know that you're going to have a blast.  It will be only as hard as you want it to be, but you will for sure have a lot of fun!  Get signed up asap so we know how many to expect.

“It’s not about where your starting point is, but your end goal and the journey that will get you there.”
— Unknown