Team WODs

Monday, Sept 23rd, 2013

Weekly Warm Up:  5 Scorpions ea. side, 10 Knees-to-Elbows, 10 Medball Squat Cleans, 10 KB Swings 

Strength:  Front Rack Lunges 3x10-12

WOD:  Partner Throwdown Wod #2

12 minute AMRAP (Only one partner can work at a time)

50 Deadlift (225/155)

Each Sprint 1 Lap

50 Toes to Bar

Each Sprint 1 Lap

50 Overhead Squats (135/95)

Each Sprint 1 Lap

Max Muscle Ups in remaining time

REC:  With a partner, 10 rounds for each person:  10 Clapping Push ups while partner does max double unders

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Technique: 5 x 5 Hang Squat Cleans with Sandbag (2 bags - 90# / 1 bag - 45#) 

Working with a sandbag is a great way to strengthen the extend/shrug transition into the drop of the squat/catch. Really focus on those points as you go through these reps.

WOD: Partner WOD (Though this can just as easily be performed solo) 

2nd athlete cannot perform any movement until the first athlete has completed all reps of that same movement.

16 Minute AMRAP

3 Clean & Jerks (165/105)

5 Ring Dips

5 Hand Stand Push Ups (scale to 3 Wall Walks)

Without resting, move directly into...

4 Minute AMRAP

Max Reps of Muscle Ups (scale to 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up & 1 Ring Dip. Must be performed consecutively.)

Score is total number of rounds completed + total completed muscle Ups.

REC: 25 Reverse Hyper and 25 Knee Jumps 

Saturday, January 18th, 2013

Skill:  Work on Squat Snatches for Ten minutes.  Focus on a good set up every rep.

WOD:  Partner WOD for Time

If you have a team of 3:  One person rests, One person works through the movements, one person holds a 45# plate overhead.  The plate MUST be overhead for progress on the movements to be made.  With one person resting all the time each person is expected to be going "balls to the wall" all of the time.

If you have a team of 2:  no rest.

1K Row

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

100 KB Snatches (1.5/1)

100 Toes to Bar

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

PARTNER WOD!!!  Find your partner now or one will be assigned to you.

Two person teams, one person works at a time.  

(Rumor has it that #9 and wife are pairing up on this one to form a Mega-fitter.  Calling all would-be challengers!  Find a partner and see if you have what it takes to dethrone the King and Queen of CF307!)

800 M Run

100 Hang Cleans (135/95)

100 Deadlifts (135/95)

800 M Run

100 Push Ups

100 Pull Ups

800 M Run

100 OH Walking Lunges (45/35)

100 Box Jumps

800 M Run

200 DUs/400 singles

100 Burpees

REC:  Foam Roller