Clean & Jerks

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Next Saturday and Sunday (13th & 14th), both sides of the box will be unavailable from 8-5 due to the sold out HQ Olympic Lifting Seminar.  We're excited to be hosting this event, please help us make a good impression to visitors and seminar staff.  Please pass the word along to other members of the gym that you know that this space will be unavailable.  We will post an outdoor WOD for Saturday, the 13th.  If you have any questions, let us know.

Strength:  Back Squat Holds 3x3 (8 second hold at the bottom of each rep)

WOD:  15 Minute AMRAP

400 M Run

Max reps unbroken Clean & Jerks (135/95)

*start your next run once you have to take a break on the Clean & Jerks.  Score is total C&J's.

REC:  100 Double Unders for time

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

If you are signed up for the Open, you've got to make sure that you are programming in rest days responsibly. It's unlikely that you'll be able to "go hard" all week and then still have enough in the tank for the Open WOD. So, while we will continue on with our normally scheduled programming, base your week around being at your best for the Open WOD (whichever time you choose to do it).

YOU HAVE TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN SCORE ON THE GAMES WEBSITE!  If you don't, you will be S.O.L.  A sign up sheet for Saturday morning (9-12) will be ready by noon.  The other testing times are Friday at 5:15 A.M. or Noon and Thursday night at 6:30. 

STRENGTH:  Deadlift Complex

Do three reps of each variation of the deadlift for 3 rounds.  (3 reps conventional, 3 wide stance, 3 stiff leg is one round) (If you are new to wide stance and stiff leg stay on the lighter side) 

Conventional, Wide-stance, Stiff Leg Wide Stance

WOD:  Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes

5 Clean and Jerks (155/115), max box jumps (24/20) in remainder of the minute.  Score is total box jumps

REC:  10 Rounds of Sprint Down and walk back.  Work to keep your times as close as possible.