Floor Presses

Monday, February 4, 2013

CrossFit Kids goes live today! So if you have any little people at your house that are going to be joining in the fun, be sure to click on the Kids tab on the banner to see how we're kicking it off! 

Weekly Warm-Up:  Run 400 or Row 500m, and then complete 3 Rounds of 10 Close Grip Push Ups, 10 Hip Extensions, 10 Slow Overhead Squats with a dowel to full depth, and 10 linked & unbroken Box Jumps 

Strength: 5 x 7 Floor Presses, with a 6th and final burnout round of max reps

This movement is great for building strength in the bench press. Check out this video...

WOD:  12 Rounds for Time 

Odd Rounds:  

10 Pull Ups

1 Lap Sprint

Even Rounds:

10 Ring Dips

1 Lap Sprint

REC:  50 Bent Over Rows, break up as needed and stay on the lighter side