GHD Hip Extensions

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

Today is World Autism Awareness Day.  Autism affects some of our members more directly than others.  One of the great things about the CrossFit community as a whole, and the CrossFit307 community specifically, is the focus on making the world a better place.  One of the ways we do that is by rallying around others whose battle may be different from our own.  So, as a reminder of this, todays WOD will actually be a W.A.A.D.  If you would like to know more about the purpose of today and how you can help, please visit the following link.

Autism Speaks

Strength:  3x10 Handstand Push Ups

W.A.A.D:  18 Min AMRAP

10 OHS (135/95)

10 Pull Ups

10 KB Swings (2/1.5)

REC:  50 GHD Hip Extensions or 30 Ham Raises

Monday, February 4, 2013

CrossFit Kids goes live today! So if you have any little people at your house that are going to be joining in the fun, be sure to click on the Kids tab on the banner to see how we're kicking it off! 

Weekly Warm-Up:  Run 400 or Row 500m, and then complete 3 Rounds of 10 Close Grip Push Ups, 10 Hip Extensions, 10 Slow Overhead Squats with a dowel to full depth, and 10 linked & unbroken Box Jumps 

Strength: 5 x 7 Floor Presses, with a 6th and final burnout round of max reps

This movement is great for building strength in the bench press. Check out this video...

WOD:  12 Rounds for Time 

Odd Rounds:  

10 Pull Ups

1 Lap Sprint

Even Rounds:

10 Ring Dips

1 Lap Sprint

REC:  50 Bent Over Rows, break up as needed and stay on the lighter side 

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Strength:  5x5 Sumo Stance Deadlift 

WOD:  5 Rounds

3 Push Jerks at 90% of one rep max followed immediately by max Handstand Push Ups

Score is total handstand push-ups from the five rounds.

REC:  3x12 GHD Hip Extensions

(If you are familiar and proficient in the hip extension, add weight by holding a kettlebell or plate)

**Saturdays WOD is a 3-person team WOD.  Find your partners now, two will work also.

New Years Day 2013!

We hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year!  We want to hear what you've accomplished over the past year.  So, post to comments your favorite accomplishments from your training; where you started, where you are now and where you want to be.  

Remember, there are no classes today.

SKILL:  Double Under and muscle up practice for ten minutes.  These are both in the WOD on saturday, so practice them. We're 9 weeks out from the Open.  If you're planning on competing in the Open (and you all should be), you've got to get muscle ups.  If you are weak in the transition, work on the transition.  If you aren't strong enough to get the muscle up, get strong enough.  The time is now to start achieving these skills. Put in the extra work to get over the hump and don't accept less from yourself.  Banded Muscle Ups will no longer be allowed as a scale for muscle ups in a WOD.  You've got to develop the strength to get them.

WOD:  "Ivan the Terrible"

50-40-30-20-10  Rest 90 seconds between rounds


Push Ups

Abmat Sit Ups

Single Unders

REC:  3x15 Reverse Hypers and GHD Hip Extensions