High pulls

Halloween 2012!!

Get your costumes ready and show them off!  Lifetime and CF307 will award a window sticker to the best costume in each class tomorrow so summon the "spirit" of Halloween and get ready to sweat through your tigger costume!  I'm dressing up and you should too!

Skill Work:  Cartwheel and Pike (handstand & Headstand) practice

WOD: "All Hallow's WOD"

10 Reps of each - 31 Minute AMRAP

High pulls w/kb (24/16)

Abmat sit Ups

Lunge steps with bar on back

Lateral Box Jumps

One-Legged Deadlifts (2 KBs, 24/16)

Wall Walks

Extensions, Hip (Hip Extensions)

Eeburps (burpees)

Nee Jumps

REC:  50 Kettlebell Snatches