Jumping Lunges

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Announcement: Saturday morning we'll be programming an outdoor WOD at Kelly Walsh. More details will follow but if you want to join in on the fun, meet in the box at 7:00 a.m. you'll grab a bit of equipment and head out together.

STRENGTH: SOTTS Press 6x2 Focus on core stability and complete range of motion. Watch this video to learn about the SOTTS Press.


WOD: TABATA YO MAMA You will complete 8 rounds of each of the following movements at 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. You will get one minute of rest between moves:


Bar Shoulder Press (rest in the back rack position)

Jumping Lunges

Row for Calories

Wall Balls

REC: FLR Ring Hold for time FLR stands for Front Lean Rest. With Rings one inch off the ground, hold a plank for as long as possible. One attempt.