
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

Awesome to see the box so full.  We could really take a picture like this at basically every class of the week and it's all because of YOU!  Your presence makes the Box great.  

Several of you tore open from todays wod.  Some of you tore several times, some of you tore several times on the same hand.  Therefore and thusly, we've changed up the plan for tomorrow to give the hands a bit of a break.

Strength:  Sumo Stance Front Squat.  5 Reps every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.  (Select your weight at 60% of your 1 rep max).  We're working this in preparation for achieving a new 1 rep max for the leaderboard in the coming days.

WOD:  Tabata Lotta Weight

Each movement will be done for 8 rounds, 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

Shoulder to Overhead (75/45) (rest with the bar off the ground)

Barbell push ups (same bar as the shoulder to overheads)

Front Squats (75/45) (same bar and rest with bar off the ground)

Floor Wipers (same bar)

REC:  5 Minutes of slow recovery rowing.

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Announcement: Saturday morning we'll be programming an outdoor WOD at Kelly Walsh. More details will follow but if you want to join in on the fun, meet in the box at 7:00 a.m. you'll grab a bit of equipment and head out together.

STRENGTH: SOTTS Press 6x2 Focus on core stability and complete range of motion. Watch this video to learn about the SOTTS Press.


WOD: TABATA YO MAMA You will complete 8 rounds of each of the following movements at 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. You will get one minute of rest between moves:


Bar Shoulder Press (rest in the back rack position)

Jumping Lunges

Row for Calories

Wall Balls

REC: FLR Ring Hold for time FLR stands for Front Lean Rest. With Rings one inch off the ground, hold a plank for as long as possible. One attempt.