Hang Cleans

Monday, Nov. 11th, 2013

CrossFit307 would like to thank all those who have served our country and community!


Weekly Warm Up:  10 Toes to Bar, 10 Lunges, 5 Knee Jumps, 5 Ring Dips

Strength: Back Squat 5x3 (Hopefully all of you are tracking your progress in the strength work so you know how to build on the back squats we did a couple weeks ago.  If not, start tracking it!)

WOD:  6 Rounds For Time

5 Hang Cleans (155/105)

10 Walking Lunges

REC:  Death by 20 Meters.  Cones will be set up at front and back of the box.  Run 1 length in minute 1, 2 lengths in minute 2 and so on until the clock catches you.  Log what round you were caught on. 

Wednesday, Sept 4th, 2013

Strength:  Deadlift 3x5

WOD:  For Time

In teams of 2-4,

2 Rounds of

Row 250 Meters

15 Hang Cleans (135/95)

15 Pull Ups

15 Wall Balls (20/14)

*Teams will work in a waterfall order with the first athlete starting on the rower, as soon as they are done and off the rower, the next athlete gets on the same rower.  Each movement must be completed in order and athletes cannot move on until the person ahead of them is done.  Teams must finish back at the rower.

REC:  3x10 Manmakers