Front Squats

Monday, Oct 7th, 2013

Weekly Warm Up: 10 Ring Dips, 5 Slow PVC Front Squats, 10 PVC Snatches (work through Burgener Warm up), 10 Knees to Elbow

Strength: One and a Quarter Front Squats 5x3

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP

10 Power Cleans (95/65)

30 Double Unders

REC: EMOM for 10 Minutes

Even: 12 weighted pistols with KB at chest

Odd: 12 Walking Lunges with bell pressed overhead

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

CrossFit Frontier is looking for a few more volunteer judges for the Wyoming Open on August 3-4 in Cheyenne.  If you're not competing but still want to be involved, this is a great way.  Let us know.  Here's a link.

Strength:  Shoulder Press 5x3

WOD:  "Incredible Hulk"

20 Min AMRAP 

5 Deadlifts (115/75)

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Push Press

5 Back Squat

REC:  Reverse Hyper and GHD Hip extensions/Ham Raises (3x10 each)

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

**The box will be closed July 4th but we will post an outdoor WOD for everyone.  There will be no classes through the 7th but we will still post WODs that you can come in and get after. 

Strength:  Sumo Deadlift 7 reps EMOM for 10 mins @ 70% of max

WOD:  3 Rounds

3 minutes of work/2 minutes of rest

Row 500 M, then max front squats

Round 1 at 185/115

Round 2 at 135/95

Round 3 at 95/65

REC:  Foam Roller and Lacrosse Ball