Burgener Warm Up

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

How could I forget?!  I wanted to give a shout out to the 5:30 and 6:30 classes tonight.  Almost everyone who came set PR's on the Cleans, most were big PRs around 30 pounds.  That's amazing!  Josh Sorenson got a 30 lb. PR, John Chambers got a 30 lb PR, Angie, Allison, Russ, Jason and Cindy Hill, Katie Martin, Liz Speiser, Abby Chambers, Coach Ari, and probably others that I'm forgetting.  Awesome work to each of you!

Pre-WOD:  Burgener Warm-Up

WOD:  "Isabel" (8 Minute Tapout-Scale so you can finish)

30 Snatches for time(135/95)

This is a Leaderboard WOD.  Time to hit it fast and furious. (Tip:  Use the hook grip)

Isabel -- 2012 CrossFit Games Womens Heats

Isabel -- 2012 CrossFit Games Mens Heats

REC: 3 Rounds of Sprint one lap followed immediately by 20 Toes to Bar.  Rest as needed between rounds

Monday, December 3rd, 2012


Weekly Warm-Up:  PVC Thrusters, Scorpions, Abmat Sit Ups, Ring Rows

WOD:  "Fran"


Thrusters (95/65)

Pull ups 

Time cap is 6:00 minutes.  (If your rx'd time is over 6:00, it's time to get your a$$ moving!)  Set a new PR today and get on the leaderboard.  Only classtime scores will be counted for the leaderboard.

It's a short time cap, which means that your intensity and effort should be so high that your output is more than a chipper; because, in actuality, it is.   Short WODs are always the most grueling because you can't waste a second.  There's no time for rest on this one.  Just work.  

If you cannot do this rx'd, scale it the least amount to allow you to finish just under the time cap.  Good form, elbows up on the descending part of the Thruster and then exploding out of the bottom with a straight back and chest up, will help you maintain stamina.  Bad form saps energy!  If you give everything you have on this wod, it will be enough of a workout for the day, I promise.  If ever there was a time to go balls to the wall, this is it.  A good rx'd score is under 3:30.  Go get it!

(Which famous crossfitter in this video has terrible range of motion on their thrusters?  We won't let you get away with it!  P.S. I heart Katie Hogan)

Skill:  (If there's time, after Fran and 10 minutes of rest)  Burgener Warm Up, with an emphasis on the first stage (triple extension).  Use PVC or barbell for extra challenge but don't exceed 65/45 lbs.

Recovery work:  3x50 Banded Good Mornings with a light to moderate band.  No time rush on these, just trying to increase blood flow and mobility to the posterior chain.

Tuesday, Sep 4, 2012

SKILL: Burgener Warm-Up

This will be coach-led and you'll run through this several times so it starts to become ingrained. Check out the link below. Since we'll be developing the squat snatch we would encourage all of you to start incorporating this drill into your daily warm up. Start with a regular PVC, go through it a few times and then move up to a 45# bar at the most when you're ready. This is all about skill and form and not load.

Burgener Warm Up

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time:

20 Med Ball Squat Clean Wall Balls (Start with full squat clean and transition immediately into the wall ball for each rep, essentially creating 2 squats per ball throw.)

20 Abmat Sit ups

REC: Tabata Handstand holds

8 Rounds: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.