Warm Up

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

Skill:  Front Squats(135/75)


Do 1 rep, take a 1 breath break, do 2 reps, take a 2 breath break, do 3 reps, take a three breath break, and so on through 10.  Try to not put the bar down.

WOD: 25 Minute AMRAP

6 heavy Turkish Get Ups

12 Bench Press (body weight)

18 Pull Ups

REC:  5x5 Bent Over Rows 

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Announcement: Starting tomorrow we are adding a Monday morning 5:15 class and a Tuesday evening 5:30 P.M.! Boo Yeah! Many of you had asked about having these classes and we heard you. So, show up and get your fit on.


 Run or Row as usual

 10 Air Squats against the wall

 10 GHD Hip Extensions

 10 Hand Stand Push Ups

 10 Pull Ups

SKILL: Knee Snatch w/ PVC

Practice the snatch from the knee position. As we get closer to the end of our Squat Snatch progression, developing explosive hips is essential to increasing your max, and just plain good for fitness and body awareness. You can increase weight to a trainer or regular barbell.

WOD: "McFlurry" (Hero WoD)

400 M run

21 cleans (185/135)

21 Pull ups

400 M Run

15 Thrusters (45/35)

15 Pull ups

400 M Run

9 Cleans (185/135)

9 Pull ups

400 M Run

Just so everybody does it the same way you only get one bar and Cleans are from the ground each time. So, you will start with the bar loaded to the weight you'll do Cleans at, then strip the bar for the thrusters, then add the weight back on for the final Cleans.

REC: GHD Sit Ups - 3x15. If you are working your way up and have been only going back to parallel, start increasing your depth with these sets.

If you sub Abmat Sit ups, do 100 Abmat Sit ups for time.

Tuesday, Sep 4, 2012

SKILL: Burgener Warm-Up

This will be coach-led and you'll run through this several times so it starts to become ingrained. Check out the link below. Since we'll be developing the squat snatch we would encourage all of you to start incorporating this drill into your daily warm up. Start with a regular PVC, go through it a few times and then move up to a 45# bar at the most when you're ready. This is all about skill and form and not load.

Burgener Warm Up

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time:

20 Med Ball Squat Clean Wall Balls (Start with full squat clean and transition immediately into the wall ball for each rep, essentially creating 2 squats per ball throw.)

20 Abmat Sit ups

REC: Tabata Handstand holds

8 Rounds: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.