KB Waiter Walk

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sorry for the late posting.  I was unexpectedly without a phone or laptop.

Skill:  Muscle Up work.  Get your first one or get several.  This isn't for leaderboard, so focus on improving the skill.  10 minutes of work.

WOD:  "Bookends"

50 KB Swings (1.5/1)


3 rounds of (Use two bells for each of these moves and scale accordingly)

20 KB Windmills (1.5/1)

KB Waiter walk (1.5/1) 4 lengths of the box (Arms extended overhead, only advance with bells overhead)

20 Single Leg KB Deadlift ( bell)(1.5/1)


50 KB Swings (1.5/1)

REC:  100 Abmat Sit ups for time