Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

This is our most recent OnRamp class that just finished up last Thursday.  There is another class finishing up this Wednesday.  We've had awesome growth and classes continue to be full, so if you see someone you don't recognize please do as you always do and introduce yourself and get to know one another.

It's so awesome to see so many of our recent OnRamp graduates in class.  Monday's total attendance was 85 people in classes plus 15 in OnRamp for an even One Hundred.  Just awesome!

Skill:  5x5 "L" Pull Ups

WOD:  15 Minute AMRAP

4 Hand stand Push Ups

8 Deadlifts (255/185)

12 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (6 each arm)(45/35) (Use a 16 or 20kg KB if the dumbbells are all used)

REC:  50 Total GHD Sit Ups (Do half Abmat Sit Ups if you have been attending for less than 4 months)