air squats

Friday, May 31st, 2013

The CrossFit307 Family would like to give a big "Oo-Rah!" to Chris Durtsche, one of our noon wodders.  He is leaving us this Sunday to become one of the Few, the Proud, The Marines.  Chris has been using CrossFit as a way to prepare himself physically and mentally for the challenges ahead and we're confident in his future.  If you would like to wish him well, there will be a short send off after the noon wod.  Thank you Chris and God Speed.


Strength:  Hang Clean 5 reps EMOM for 10 Minutes (Get as heavy as you can)

WOD:  "The Chief"  (Last completed on July 11, 2012)

5 Rounds

3 minutes of work/1 minute of rest

3 cleans (135/95)

6 Push Ups

9 Air Squats

REC:  Foam Roller

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Because we're always trying to make our athletes bigger, better, faster, and stronger, we've added a Nutrition Blog to this 307 website. Check it out under "The 307" tab or click on the icon in the left margin of this page. You'll find information about optimal nutrition for your fitness lifestyle, as well as other recipes and tips. And, we're looking for your input. So if you have any tips, recipes, or ideas, email us at

Skill: Snatch Balance 5 x 5

WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP

25 Air Squats

10 Deadlifts (225/155)

REC: Parallette "L" Sits 4 x :30

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Giving a SHOUT OUT to Ryan for enduring the pool WOD yesterday. He wasn't afraid to come and work hard on one of his weaknesses. Well done, my good man!

WOD: Chipper of Choice

Thing 1: Pat will be leading a Chipper of his own evil genius at 6:30 in the morning for those of you who think you are brave enough. There will be gigantic, heavy rubber rings and possibly even an alligator pit. Meet by the large tires outside of Dr. Popp's office (to the north of Lifetime's main entrance).


Thing 2:

Indoor Skills Chipper for those of you who just want to do a whole bunch of reps.

15 Hand Stand Push Ups

30 Burpees

30 Abmat Sit ups

30 Wall Balls

30 Toes to Bar

30 Knee Jumps (off the ground, scale by kneeling between two rowers or boxes and use your hands as little as possible to help you up.

30 Air Squats (Go quickly but force yourself to have proper depth and form, remember the hip pop at the top)

90 Double Unders.

REC: Roll out and enjoy the rest of your weekend, 'cuz next week it's about to get real.

Question: On Saturday, the 27th of this month we have a "mini-athlon" programmed for you (hence, the swim wod yesterday) where we'll be using the pool, the bikes and the track. How many of you are interested in doing this? Would you prefer to do it as an individual or mix it up and do it in a team format, where you can organize your own team? Post your preferences to comments.