Olympic Lifts

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Next Saturday and Sunday (13th & 14th), both sides of the box will be unavailable from 8-5 due to the sold out HQ Olympic Lifting Seminar.  We're excited to be hosting this event, please help us make a good impression to visitors and seminar staff.  Please pass the word along to other members of the gym that you know that this space will be unavailable.  We will post an outdoor WOD for Saturday, the 13th.  If you have any questions, let us know.

Strength:  Back Squat Holds 3x3 (8 second hold at the bottom of each rep)

WOD:  15 Minute AMRAP

400 M Run

Max reps unbroken Clean & Jerks (135/95)

*start your next run once you have to take a break on the Clean & Jerks.  Score is total C&J's.

REC:  100 Double Unders for time

Monday, June 24th, 2013

DON'T FORGET that Jason's Friends is this Saturday from 9-11 A.M.  We'll be announcing the WODs later this week.  

WEEKLY WARM UP:  10 Toes to Bar, 10 Strict Pull Ups, 10 Clean and Jerks (45/15 max)

Strength:  Overhead Squat 5x3

WOD:  "Grace" (leaderboard)

30 Clean and Jerks for time (135/95)

REC:  Tabata Express

4 rounds of each movement, no rest time between movements

Front Squat (95/65)

Push Press

Overhead Squat


Friday, June 14th, 2013

Don't forget to get registered for Jason's Friends!  We need to order the shirts ASAP, so get your forms filled out and submit them to me.  Checks have to be made out to Jason's Friends.  We cannot put the registration fee on your account.  Even if you cannot make the event but still want to donate, please do so!  Thank You!

Strength:  Snatch 12 x 1 (For the leaderboard)


1 Snatch (95/65)

1 Toes-to-Bar



REC:  Muscle Up Practice