Olympic Lifts

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

The Deadlift max was one of the first tests of our new strength programming.  We've been seeing a LOT of PR's lately and want to hear how you did on the deadlift. 

Strength:  Weighted/Strict  Ring Pull Ups 3x10-12

WOD:  Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes do;

8 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (135/95)

1 Snatch

4 Overhead Squats

To keep things simple, you can snatch the 8th rep of the deadlifts for a total of 12 reps per round and a total score possible of 144.  Your goal is to complete all 12 rounds, scale the weight if you need to but scale as little as possible and push yourself harder.

REC:  50 Ring Dips.  10 Ring Rows every time you stop the dips.

Monday, April 8th, 2013

We're excited that, as a gym, we finished better in the Region than we did last year, even as the field of competition grew exponentially.  As coaches, we're even more excited about the individual gains you have each made over the last year, and how it has improved your overall quality of life.  

We want to hear from you about your experience with the Open.  What did you learn about yourself?  Did you accomplish something you've never done before?  Set a PR?  Overcome something that's been a challenge to you personally?  So, what did you get out of the experience?  Post to comments.

Strength:  Back Squat 5 reps EMOM for 10 Minutes (should be able to take it from the rack)

WOD:  For time

12, 9, 6, 9, 12

Hang Snatch (115/75)

Overhead Squats

Run 1 lap between sets.  Time ends after your last lap.

REC:  Toes-2-Bar 3 sets to failure

Friday, March 8th, 2013

**Saturday athletes need to show up early, be warmed up with equipment set up by the time you signed up for so we can get everyone tested in a timely way.  If you can come/stay and count for others, please come and help.  It's an awesome environment to be in!

Fridays times to do the Open WOD are 5:15 A.M. and Noon. (Counters needed).

Strength:  Back Squat 5x7

WOD:  21-15-9

Snatch (135/95)


Toes to Bar

REC:  Spend 10 minutes developing handstand work. Hold, walk, pushup, where ever you are weakest.

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Strength:  5x5 Sumo Stance Deadlift 

WOD:  5 Rounds

3 Push Jerks at 90% of one rep max followed immediately by max Handstand Push Ups

Score is total handstand push-ups from the five rounds.

REC:  3x12 GHD Hip Extensions

(If you are familiar and proficient in the hip extension, add weight by holding a kettlebell or plate)

**Saturdays WOD is a 3-person team WOD.  Find your partners now, two will work also.