CrossFit Games Gold Tickets

Do you know what makes CrossFit307 so amazing? Each and every one of you. For that, we want to say thank you for everything you contribute to the community. We want to give away 2 Gold Tickets to the CrossFit Games this July. Gold Tickets are the best possible tickets you can get because they get you into all the events.

Everyone is eligible including coaches as long as you are from the 307. For you to be considered, we'd like to hear from you. We'd like to hear "How has CrossFit impacted your life?" Post your experience in the comments below. We really want these to go to one of you from our community so only post if you plan on using the tickets yourself. You may also post your story even if you can't use the tickets but please specify that so we don't put you in the drawing.

We will do a drawing for the tickets on May 16th. We love you guys!