Muscle Ups

Monday, December 17th, 2012


Wear it, Own it!

Weekly Warm Up:

10 Banded Good Mornings

10 PVC Overhead Squats

10 Strict Pull Ups

10 Sit Ups (GHD or Abmat)

WOD:  "12 Days of Christmas"

Done in the same format as the song.  1, then 2,1 then 3,2,1...etc.

1 Muscle Up

2 Hand stand Push Ups

3 Bear Crawls lengths of the gym

4 Clapping Push Ups

5 Push Press (115/75)

6 Knees to Elbows

7 Pull Ups

8 Thrusters (115/75)

9 Box Jumps (24/20)

10 Abmat Sit Ups

11 Wall Balls (20/14)

12 Squat Cleans (115/75)



Monday, November 19th, 2012

Warm-Up for the Week:  In addition to Run or Row, 10 reps each of OHS (with PVC), Push ups, Abmat Sit ups and Inch Worms.

Skill:  10 Minutes.  Pick a weakness and work on it.  Suggestion:  Muscle Ups or Ring Dips

WOD:  "You're Welcome"

25 Minute AMRAP
5 Muscle Ups
10 Power Cleans (155/95)
15 Toes to Bar

REC:  Mix up 2 minutes of Prone Cobra holds and 2 or 3 sets of 10 Reverse Hyper

Let us know if you think the demo videos are helpful, what you like about them (other than the host, his fat neck or tiny biceps) and what would make these videos more beneficial.  Post to comments. 

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

The Pro Shop is now offering a few items to help you reach your nutritional goals while complementing your physical goals. High quality fish oils, paleokits (snacks and jerky) for when you need to grab something healthy and filling quickly and two brands of protein powder are now available. The protein brands are Beverly and Stronger Faster Healthier (same as the fish oil, which many of the Games athletes use). These are quality products with a good reputation across the fitness, and more specifically, CrossFit nation. I'm convinced that Fish Oil is one product where you get what you pay for. The bulk tubs from Sam's Club with 10,000 pills for $19.99 are no good. Just trust me on this one. Personally, I like the Stronger Faster Healthier fish oil and protein powder but both brands are quality.

Skill: Double Unders

Test your skills and get on the leaderboard or just work on the skill, based on where you are at with these.

Buddy Lee Someone should tell Justin that this guy stole his headband! Please don't tie knots in the jump ropes, especially the speed cables, because it is ruining them.

Spealler on the Double Under

WOD: "Good Luck" as in, "Good luck, you're going to need it"


Deadlifts (225/155)

Muscle Ups

If you do not have a muscle up, you can either do the band-assisted muscle ups from the lower rings if you are able to do those or; do Pull ups on the descending rounds and ring dips on the ascending rounds. Get after it!

REC: 3x20 Banded Push Ups

Banded push ups

Notice that he is exploding up with good acceleration on the push, not simply doing a standard push up. Execute the push part with as much acceleration as possible.

Reminder that Thursday will be a swim wod. We'll warm up in the box and head into the pool.

Thursday, October 4th, 2012


Susie Mayhue, COME ON DOWN! Susie is often in the 4:30 class rockin' and rollin'. She works hard, sets ambitious goals and pushes herself past her comfort zone. Every day she's getting stronger and stronger. Keep up the good work Susie!

SKILL: Muscle Up

Develop banded Muscle Ups as a scale for MU's in a WOD.

WOD: Two 7 Minute AMRAPs

7 Pull Ups/14 Double Unders

Rest Two Minutes

7 Pistols/7 Ring Dips

REC: 15/15-GHD Sit Ups/Abmat Sit Ups - 3 Rounds

We want to know, what motivates each of you to come in everyday and fight through these grueling WODs? We'd love to hear your answer and you can post it to comments if you'd like but hopefully each of you is thinking about the answer to this question when the going gets tough enough to make you want to stop.