Clean and Jerks

Monday, Sept 30, 2013

Weekly Warm Up:  10 Push Ups, 10 Reverse Hypers, 10 Pull Ups, 10 Abmat Sit Ups

Strength:  5x5 Back Squat



7:00 minute AMRAP, 5 Clean and Jerks (135/75) & 5 GI Janes

Rest 2:00

5:00 minute AMRAP,  3 Clean and Jerks (155/95) & 3 GI Janes

Rest 2:00

3:00 minute AMRAP, 1 Clean and Jerk (185/115) & 1 GI Jane

REC:  3x12 Banded Good Mornings

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

The 2013 CrossFit Games Open Registration is now up and Running!  Register HERE as soon as possible.  It's a great time, a fun challenge and awesome opportunity to see where you are at in your progress. We hope all of you will sign up and do it with us!

 Pre-WOD:  Dynamic Stretching

WOD:  "No Easy Day"

Each of these movements is taken from a Hero WOD dedicated specifically to a Navy Seal.  There's no significance as to why I programmed this WOD today, I just finished reading "No Easy Day" and find the work that these soldiers do remarkable and thought they should be recognized.  The name of each Soldier is in parentheses after the movement.

For time:

Run 1 mile (Murph)

50 Abmat Sit Ups (McGreevy)

40 KB Swings (2/1.5) (Nate)

30 Clean and Jerks (135/115) (Glen)

30 Pull Ups (Badger)

25 Back Squats (185/135) (from the rack) (Brian R Bill)

25 Air Squats (Jason)

24 Box jumps (24/20) (Adam Brown)

21 Thrusters (95/65) (Tommy V)

12 Push Press (115/95) (Collin)

11 DB Burpee Deadlifts (45s/35s) (Tumilson)

REC:  Foam Roller

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

If you've hit the WOD Monday-Wednesday, you earned your rest day!


Strength:  Deficit Deadlifts

5x20 (max weight of 135, standing on 45# plates)

WOD 1:  "Grace" (NO CLOCK)

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

This is not for the leaderboard, no clock so that you can focus on good reps and proper range of motion every single time.


WOD 2:  100 KB Snatches for time (1.5/1)

REC:  25 M sprints on the track.  5 rounds.  Sprint, rest for the rest of the minute, then Sprint again at the top of the next minute.


Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Congratulations! If you've been to class all three days this week you get to take a well-earned rest day. If you missed a day, you get to do the following:

SKILL: Muscle Up Practice

If you are close to having your first muscle up this is the time to make it happen! If you still feel like you have a ways to go, use this time to build strength in the different parts of the move. (Strict Pull Ups, Kipping on rings, transition practice on low rings, etc.) Here is Carl Paoli discussing muscle ups...again. (we'll keep posting it until the cows come home!)

Click on and Watch Me

WOD: For Time

50 Kettlebell Cleans (25 each side) Demo

100 Russian Swings Demo

100 Kettlebell Snatches (50 each side) Demo

REC: Practice a one minute air squat. Start facing the wall, with toes 2-3 inches from the wall. Without touching the wall slowly lower yourself down for a 30 second count, get hip crease below parallel, then slowly raise yourself back up for a 30-second count. This is excellent work for developing core, hamstring, low back and glute strength; which is commonly the cause of a poor air squat.