Squat Clean

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

Good Luck to all our athletes competing in the Wyoming Open this weekend!  We know you'll represent the 307 well.

If you're down at the Wyo Open, be sure to post any updates right here in the comments.  We'll do the same as we find out any results.


WOD: For time

15 Squat Clean (155/105)

30 T2B

30 Box Jump (24/20)

15 Muscle Ups (sub with 3 ring dips and 3 pull ups per muscle up)

30 Dumbbell Push press (45/35)

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters (135/95)

30 Pull Ups

30 Burpees

1 lap walking lunge with #45 plate overhead