Power Lifts

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

This is our most recent OnRamp class that just finished up last Thursday.  There is another class finishing up this Wednesday.  We've had awesome growth and classes continue to be full, so if you see someone you don't recognize please do as you always do and introduce yourself and get to know one another.

It's so awesome to see so many of our recent OnRamp graduates in class.  Monday's total attendance was 85 people in classes plus 15 in OnRamp for an even One Hundred.  Just awesome!

Skill:  5x5 "L" Pull Ups

WOD:  15 Minute AMRAP

4 Hand stand Push Ups

8 Deadlifts (255/185)

12 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (6 each arm)(45/35) (Use a 16 or 20kg KB if the dumbbells are all used)

REC:  50 Total GHD Sit Ups (Do half Abmat Sit Ups if you have been attending for less than 4 months)

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Strength:  5x5 Sumo Stance Deadlift 

WOD:  5 Rounds

3 Push Jerks at 90% of one rep max followed immediately by max Handstand Push Ups

Score is total handstand push-ups from the five rounds.

REC:  3x12 GHD Hip Extensions

(If you are familiar and proficient in the hip extension, add weight by holding a kettlebell or plate)

**Saturdays WOD is a 3-person team WOD.  Find your partners now, two will work also.

Thursday, January 17th, 2013


Strength Work:

Bench Press 7x7 (Banded, Chains or conventional)

Bent Over Row 5x5 (Banded, Chains or conventional)

Accessory Moves:  (Each move is designed to aid recovery by increasing blood flow, but also strengthen a weakness in the bench press)

Roll Back Extensions 3x12

Banded Push ups 3x10

Tate Press 3x8

From the article Define Yourself by John Doole in the CrossFit Journal

"CrossFit training promises nothing to the athlete and expects everything in return. The only immediate deliverable of CrossFit is the freedom to confront ourselves, to find out who we are at our core—exposed, raw, uncensored. It’s during this time of confrontation when we can seize the opportunity to change. It comes at a cost as change is not easy and it’s always painful. How painful depends on how much we want to change."

How bad do you want to change?

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Today's WOD is a send-off to Josh Sorenson.  He's been at the 307 since the beginning and has made great strides since first starting CrossFit.  Josh is heading back to Laramie to finish up his degree.  So, this WOD contains some of his favorite movements.  Good Luck, Josh!  Represent us well at 7220.

WOD:  "Sorenson's Faves"

4 Rounds for time

3 Squat Snatches (135/95)

5 Muscle Ups

7 Deadlifts (255/185)

9 Handstand Push Ups

25 Abmat Sit Ups

50 Double Unders


Run 800 Meters.