Hero WODs

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

The 2013 CrossFit Games Open Registration is now up and Running!  Register HERE as soon as possible.  It's a great time, a fun challenge and awesome opportunity to see where you are at in your progress. We hope all of you will sign up and do it with us!

 Pre-WOD:  Dynamic Stretching

WOD:  "No Easy Day"

Each of these movements is taken from a Hero WOD dedicated specifically to a Navy Seal.  There's no significance as to why I programmed this WOD today, I just finished reading "No Easy Day" and find the work that these soldiers do remarkable and thought they should be recognized.  The name of each Soldier is in parentheses after the movement.

For time:

Run 1 mile (Murph)

50 Abmat Sit Ups (McGreevy)

40 KB Swings (2/1.5) (Nate)

30 Clean and Jerks (135/115) (Glen)

30 Pull Ups (Badger)

25 Back Squats (185/135) (from the rack) (Brian R Bill)

25 Air Squats (Jason)

24 Box jumps (24/20) (Adam Brown)

21 Thrusters (95/65) (Tommy V)

12 Push Press (115/95) (Collin)

11 DB Burpee Deadlifts (45s/35s) (Tumilson)

REC:  Foam Roller

Christmas Eve 2012!

Here's your friendly reminder that the Box is open until NOON today but there are no classes, so you gots to get in early if you're going to get your WOD on!  

Weekly warm up:  5 Ring dips, 10 GHD or Abmat Sit ups, 10 GHD Hip Extensions, 10 Strict Pull Ups

WOD:  "Santa's Presents Under the Tree"

For todays WOD each of you will pick a benchmark (one of the "girls") or a Hero WOD and post to comments which WOD you selected and how you did; thus, creating the "presents under the tree" for everyone to see.

As the song goes, "He sees you when you're sandbagging, He knows when you'll PR, He knows if you picked a strength or a weakness so pick a weakness for fitness sake, HEY!..."

You're decision is whether you are going to be on the naughty or nice list.  Are you going to pick a "nice" wod you know you're good at it?  Or, will you use this time to focus on a weakness and pick a WOD from your "naughty" list?  Either way, have fun and post to comments!

(Many of the benchmarks and their description are on our Leaderboard but you can also find the list of HQ Benchmarks and Hero WODs HERE and HERO)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

WOD: "Johnny Boi" (Hero Wod)

50 Abmat Sit Ups

21 Strict Pull Ups

21 Push Press (95/65)

400 M Run

15 Strict Pull Ups

15 Push Press (115/75)

800 M Run

9 Strict Pull Ups

9 Push Press (135/85)

1 Mile Run

50 Abmat Sit Ups

Can Anybody Spot the Special Visitor we had? I would've been intimidated to WOD next to this person.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Strength: Bench Press 9x2

Groups of two, try to work the same weight (approximately 80% of 1 rep max) and rotate through the 9 rounds with your partner very quickly, less than 30 seconds of rest between rounds. Do 3 of the 9 sets with a narrower grip, 3 sets at mid grip and 3 sets at a wider grip. Focus on bar speed, accelerate as fast as possible from the bottom.

REC: Skullcrushers 3x10

These are essentially tricep extensions, laying on your back on the ground or bench. Barbell will be directly in front of your face in the down position and then press straight up, isolating the tricep. We are doing this as an accessory move to help strengthen your bench press.

WOD: "Rahoi"

This is a Hero WOD that is in your WOD journals.

12 minute AMRAP of

12 Box Jumps (24)

6 thrusters (95/65)

6 Bar-facing Burpees